This is a list of all the named characters in Beren One Hand, in the order in which they are encountered. Names which begin with a star exist already in Tolkien’s mythology.
Note: ‘The Twelve’ refers to the twelve companions of Barahir who stayed at his side to harry the occupiers of Dorthonion.
- Volume 1
- *Beren ‘One Hand’ - son (and younger child) of Barahir and Emeldir.
- *Barahir - son of Bregor. Married to Emeldir.
- *Hiril - daughter (and elder child) of Barahir and Emeldir.
- *Emeldir - daughter of Beren the Elder and Surith; married to Barahir.
- Ormalan - son of Barahir’s house servants Ormorod and Mari; childhood companion of Beren.
- Kirimel - daughter of Barahir’s house servants Ormorod and Mari; childhood companion of Beren.
- Mari - daughter of Hrotha and Methemel, house servant at Sightfoot Farm. Married to Ormorod.
- Ormorod - house-major at Sightfoot Farm. Married to Mari.
- *Dagnir - son of Hrotha and Methemel, houseman of Barahir’s. Unmarried. Eventually one of the Twelve.
- *Arthad ‘Horse-breaker’ - Southerner, houseman of Barahir’s. Unmarried, but has an ‘understanding’ with Lorinis. Eventually one of the Twelve.
- Hrotha - son of Garaf, houseman and foster-father of Barahir. Married to Methemel.
- *Bregor - Landholder of Ladros, 5th Bëor; son of Boromir.
- *Bregolas - eventual Landholder of Ladros, 6th Bëor; son of Bregor.
- *Andreth ‘Saelin’ - daughter of Boromir.
- *Hathaldir ‘the Young’ - son of Bregor’s Hall-major, childhood companion of Beren. Eventually one of the Twelve.
- Britha - sister of Hathaldir, childhood companion of Beren.
- Ollandar - friend of Hathaldir, childhood companion of Beren.
- Methemel - house servant at Sightfoot Farm. Married to Hrotha.
- Sola - daughter of Hrotha and Methemel, house servant at Sightfoot Farm.
- *Ragnor - son of Hrotha and Methemel, houseman of Barahir’s. Unmarried. Eventually one of the Twelve.
- Gramlach - houseman of Barahir’s, military captain. Eventually married to Caladis.
- Kamorod - son of Barahir’s house servants Ormorod and Mari.
- *Eilinel - servant at Sightfoot Farm. Daughter of Nathron and Maervess. Married to Gorlim.
- *Gorlim - blacksmith; son of Angrim and Annag. Married to Eilinel.
- Bremund - a farmer near Sightfoot; military captain. Son of Fréagond.
- Parth - servant at Sightfoot, daughter of Bremund.
- Domélunë - a noldorin Elf of Aegnor’s following.
- *Aegnor - a Noldo, son of Finarfin and Eärwen.
- Lorinis - a house-woman at Sightfoot, partner of Arthad.
- Camlaf - a neighbour at Sightfoot, a boyhood companion of Beren’s. Known as a jokester.
- Frohar - son of Bremund, twin to Tahar.
- Tahar - son of Bremund, twin to Frohar.
- Silmenen - a noldorin Elf of Aegnor’s following. A seeress who crosses Beren’s path many times.
- Oromar - a wandering bard in Ladros.
- Fréagond - doyen of the Sightfoot neighbourhood. A harper.
- Lakar - a noldorin Elf of Aegnor’s following.
- *Radhruin - a trapper. Eventually one of the Twelve.
- Choker-with-shit - an Orc, #771-098-161-42.
- Caladis - sister to Emeldir; scholar and teacher.
- *Beren the elder - farms high in the Whitewater valley; father of Emeldir and Caladis, married to Surith.
- Surith - married to Beren the elder.
- Makramatë - wife of (the deceased) Belegon, son of Beren the elder and Surith.
- Forgar - a neighbour of Sightfoot.
- *Melian - a Maia, Queen of Doriath. Married to Thingol.
- *Artanis (later *Galadriel) - a Nolda, born in the Blessed Realm, daughter of Finarfin and Eärwen. Married Celeborn.
- *Lúthien ‘Tinúviel’ - an Elf, daughter to Thingol and Melian.
- Slapper - an Orc.
- Tubbs - an Orc.
- Big Nose or just Nose - a Druug man, head of the Holly people. Married to Sunshine.
- Scabs - an Orc, in a squad under Chokes.
- Stinks-a-lot - an Orc, in a squad under Chokes.
- Torturer - an Orc, in a squad under Chokes.
- Sunshine - a Druug of the Holly People, married to Nose.
- Long Hair - a Druug, daughter to Nose and Sunshine.
- Black Snake - a Druug, married to Rowan on the Mountain.
- Rowan on the Mountain - a Druug, Nose’s cousin; married to Black Snake.
- Stone Bear - a Druug man of the Holly People, son of Afraid of the Fire, married to Leather.
- Talkative - a Druug man of the Holly People, son of Willow. Marries Bearskin.
- Two Bags - a Druug man of the Holly People, married to Tireless Dancer.
- *Angrim - the blacksmith near to Sightfoot Farm. Married to Annag.
- Annag - wife of Angrim, the Sightfoot blacksmith.
- Plays with Beetles, later known as Carver - a Druug woman of the Holly People, daughter of Tireless Dancer and Two Bags. A childhood companion and later lover of Beren.
- Noisy - a Druug man of the Holly People, son of Stone Bear and Leather. A childhood companion of Beren.
- Matted Hair - a Druug man of the Holly People, son of Story Teller and Made Bean Soup. A childhood companion of Beren.
- Big Belly - a Druug man of the Holly People, son of Tireless Dancer and Two Bags. A childhood companion of Beren.
- Smiles a Lot - a Druug woman of the Holly People, daughter of Nose and his unnamed first wife. Married to Lion Scar.
- Chases Goats - a Druug man of the Holly People, son of Nose and his unnamed first wife.
- Story Teller - a Druug man of the Holly People; son of Afraid of the Fire, married to Made Bean Soup.
- Willow - a Druug wise woman of the Holly people.
- Morning Star - a Druug woman of the Holly People, married to Antelope.
- Broke the Pots - a Druug woman of the Holly People, married to Likes Girls.
- Red Sash - a Druug woman of the Holly People, daughter of Tireless Dancer and Two Bags.
- Goracc - an aged raven who in his youth had helped Boromir. Friend and mentor of Beren.
- *Angrod - a Noldo, son of Finarfin and Eärwen.
- *Beleth - Beren’s cousin, who made service and found heartbreak with the Elves of Angrod’s following.
- Zalta - the innkeeper’s daughter.
- Menelrond - Barahir’s kinsman, a farmer in Ladros. Married to Glîfinnath.
- Glîfinnath - wife to Menelrond.
- Gilach - elder son to Glîfinnath and Menelrond. Married to Arasenaur.
- *Gildor - younger son to Glîfinnath and Menelrond. Eventually one of the Twelve.
- Gilraen - daughter to Glîfinnath and Menelrond. Marries Alagos.
- Miriel - a serving girl at the Hall in Newfort.
- *Hirwen - a woman of the house of Bëor; 2nd daughter of Bregor.
- Othronn - a sergeant in Bregolas’s new force.
- Owl - a Druug man of the Holly people. Son of Afraid of the Fire.
- Thunderbolt - an eagle, friend of Goracc; Beren’s comrade in the War of the Birds.
- Leather - a Druug woman of the Holly people; daughter of Willow, wife to Stone Bear.
- Caught Two Dogs - a Druug man of the Holly people; son of Willow, married to Pouring Sand.
- Lion Scar - a Druug man of the Holly people, married to Smiles a Lot.
- Volume 2
- Yg - prince of Nogrod, son of King Gebshâr and Queen Nendilmë; reputed to be the finest swordsman in Middle-earth.
- Maegam - an elvish smith of Aegnor’s company. Married to Limchelos.
- *Mairon ‘the Admirable’, also known as *Gorthaur and *Sauron - a Maia in the service of Melkor.
- Rattlecone - an Ent with alder affiliation.
- Marrus - a young man of Ladros who came to grief in a mysterious fashion.
- Tallak - a farmer in the Sightfoot district.
- Made Bean Soup - a Druug woman of the Holly people, daughter of Willow, married to Story Teller.
- Limchelos - an elvish woman of Aegnor’s company. Married to Maegam.
- White Teeth - a Druug woman of the Holly people, daughter of Story Teller and Made Bean Soup. Marries Beard of the Frog people.
- Antelope - a Druug man of the Holly people, son of Rowan on the Mountain and Black Snake. Married to Morning Star.
- Gap Tooth - a Druug man of the Seal people.
- Brown Skin - a strong Druug man of the Salmon people.
- Aeg - a Dwarf girl, daughter of of King Gebshâr and Queen Nendilmë. A talented goldsmith, who came to grief.
- Tabbieneedle - the doyen of the Dorthonion Ents. Affiliated with pines.
- *Melkor, usually known to the Eldar as *Morgoth - the mighty Vala.
- Akhal - a Dwarf soldier under Yg’s command.
- *Caranthir - a Noldo, son of Fëanor.
- Palavantar - an Elf at the tolls of Gelion.
- Tilias - an Elf at the tolls of Gelion.
- Limlith - an Elf at the tolls of Gelion.
- Porin - a Dwarf, Commander of the Fourth Legion in Nogrod.
- Gebshâr - Dwarvish King of Nogrod. Married to Nendilmë.
- Jummurrud - a Dwarf; Yg’s chamberlain.
- Targubiriz - former king of Belegost.
- Medb - a Dwarvish woman of Belegost, great grandmother of Nendilmë; maker of the Nauglamir.
- Gromm - a Dwarf, sergeant in the Fourth Legion in Nogrod.
- Khabbock - a Dwarf, deputy forge master in Nogrod.
- Breshke - a Dwarf, master of apprentices at the forge in Nogrod.
- *Telchar - the famous dwarvish smith; Forge Master in Nogrod.
- Azhadîn - a Dwarf, one of Beren’s sword-masters in Nogrod.
- Talz - a Dwarf, Guard-master; one of Beren’s sword-masters in Nogrod.
- Gamil Ubzan - a Dwarf, the Queen’s gardener in Nogrod.
- Nendilmë - Dwarvish Queen in Nogrod. Married to Gebshâr.
- Tafir - a Dwarf in Nogrod; a leading artificer.
- Volume 3
- *Thingol ‘Grey-cloak’ - a Telerian Elf, King of Doriath. Married to Melian.
- Garth - gate-marshal at Newfort.
- *Baragund ‘Soldier’ - elder son of Bregolas, married to Rhasûl.
- *Belegund ‘Greencloak’ - younger son of Bregolas, married to Faelind.
- Rhasûl - a northern woman, married to Baragund.
- Faelind - a northern woman, married to Belegund.
- *Morwen - daughter of Baragund and Rhasûl. Marries Húrin.
- Cazimek - an officer in command of Bregolas’s army.
- *Gilwen - a woman of the house of Bëor; 3rd and youngest daughter of Bregor.
- Alagos - a man of Ladros, married to Gilraen.
- Urioc - a man of Ladros; bond-friend of Gildor.
- Galin - a Dwarf carter.
- Lathron - a Sinda, messenger to King Thingol.
- Irma - a woman of Ladros, Zalta’s companion and helper.
- Tillis - a woman of Newfort; Andreth’s erstwhile maid.
- Adril - a boy fostered with Barahir and Emeldir.
- Marcil - a childhood friend of Beren in Newfort.
- *Húrin - oldest son of Galdor and Hareth. Marries Morwen.
- *Hareth - a woman of the Haladin, child of Halmir. Married to Galdor the son of Hador.
- Girazôn - Beren’s lieutenant in the Blackshirts.
- *Galdor ‘the Tall’ - son of Hador and Gildis. Married to Hareth of the Haladin.
- *Huor - younger son of Galdor and Hareth. Marries Rían.
- Huleth - daughter and youngest child of Galdor and Hareth.
- Greimar - a Blackshirt.
- Pallo - a serving-man at the Hall in Newfort.
- Frola - a leech, called to the Hall in Newfort.
- Orthir - a gate-guard at Newfort.
- Sarnas - a gate-guard at Newfort.
- Narthan - a former gate-marshal at Newfort.
- *Finrod ‘Felagund’ - a prince of the Noldor; son of Finarfin and Eärwen.
- Janny - a kitchen-girl at Newfort.
- Arasenaur - a woman of Ladros, wife to Gilach.
- *Thorondor - chief of the Eagles of Manwë.
- *Celeborn - a Sinda of Doriath, cousin to the King. Marries Galadriel.
- Tireless Dancer - a Druug woman of the Holly People, married to Two Bags.
- Bashful - a Druug man of the Holly People, son of Smiles a Lot and Lion Scar.
- Tasarion - a Noldo, gate-guard at Minas Tirith.
- Palantirar - a Noldo, gate-guard at Minas Tirith.
- *Handir - a man of the Haladin, son of Haldir and Glóredhel. Eventual 5th Warden of the Haladin. A childhood friend of Beren.
- *Glóredhel - daughter of Hador and Gildis, married to Haldir.
- *Halmir - 3rd Warden of the Haladin, son of Haldan.
- *Haldir - 4th Warden of the Haladin, elder son of Halmir. Married to Glóredhel.
- *Hiril - a woman of the Haladin; youngest daughter of Halmir. Married to Enthor.
- *Beldis - a woman of the house of Bëor, daughter of Bregil and Arachon. She married Enlas.
- Enlas - a man of the Haladin, married to Beren’s cousin Beldis.
- Beldis the younger - a woman of the Haladin, daughter of Enlas and Beldis. She married Handir.
- Beard - a Druug man of the Frog people. Married to White Teeth.
- Tarias - a farmer from the Sightfoot district.
- Ingold - a farmer on the eastern watershed leading to Rivil.
- Maethor - a farmer from the Sightfoot district.
- Gaeruin - houseman of Maethor.
- Carrag - houseman of Maethor.
- Limlug - houseman of Maethor.
- Thindur - a farmer from the Sightfoot district.
- Harban - a farmer from the Sightfoot district.
- R’raag - a raven scout, grand-daughter of Goracc.
- Hannas - a farmer from upper Ladros; a war-leader in the Battle of the Grassy Slope.
- Heledir - a woman from upper Ladros; an archer in the Battle of the Grassy Slope, leader of a squad in the Battle of Ladros.
- Manchar - a fighter at the Battle of the Grassy Slope.
- Birniel - a fighter at the Battle of the Grassy Slope.
- Rismach - a fighter at the Battle of the Grassy Slope.
- Meruin - a fighter at the Battle of the Grassy Slope.
- Galdemar - a fighter at the Battle of the Grassy Slope.
- Celevir - a Noldo, Warden of the Third Company of Minas Tirith. Later one of the ten loyal companions of Finrod.
- Karanis - a woman of Ladros; took part in Finrod’s rescue party.
- Volume 4
- *Huan - the Hound of Valinor.
- Bronze-mail - an eagle comrade of Beren’s.
- Merezum - a farmer near Sightfoot. Married to Rovina.
- Pipsie - a woman of upper Ladros, fought in the battles. Daughter of Rovina and Merezum.
- Estrella - a child in upper Ladros. Daughter of Rovina and Merezum.
- Rovina - Merezum's wife.
- Willy - a boy, son of the publican in the tiny village near Sightfoot.
- Prarak - a crow who scouts for Beren.
- Karrack - an obstinate farmer in the neighbourhood of Sightfoot.
- Mithbrûn - the Guard-major of Newfort.
- Ugly - an Orc, a cohort-leader in the 89th Legion.
- *Urthel - a brown man from the far South, serving with Baragund. Sometime bodyguard of Morwen. Eventually one of the Twelve.
- Úmelchar - represents the merchants in Newfort.
- Taenthîr - leader of the Valley-mouth farmers.
- Lainwen - representative of the crofters on the moors south of Ladros.
- Erlian - a messenger from Hithlum.
- Gethric - Mithbrûn’s battle-teacher.
- Rûno - a spy for Cazimek in the Hall at Newfort.
- Mabbas - one of Cazimek’s sergeants.
- *Dairuin - Captain in the Newfort city guard. Eventually one of the Twelve.
- Farsight - an eagle comrade of Beren’s.
- Fairfeather - an eagle comrade of Beren’s.
- Bearskin - a Druug woman of the Elk people, married to Talkative.
- Monar - a man of Ladros, a soldier at the north-west palisade.
- Barlas - a man of Ladros, a soldier at the north-west palisade.
- Ëanoc - a man of the Haladin, a soldier at the north-west palisade.
- Balan - a man of Ladros, a sergeant at the north-west palisade.
- Bartolac - a farmer from the Sightfoot neighbourhood.
- Limloth - a woman of Ladros, an archer in the battles.
- Dannica - a woman of Ladros, an archer in the battles.
- Flatnose - an Orc, troop leader, active in Ladros on the night after the battle.
- Bloodbelly - an Orc, cohort leader, active in Ladros on the night after the battle.
- Cutfinger - an Orc, squad leader, active in Ladros on the night after the battle.
- Fuckbottle - an Orc, troop leader, active in Ladros on the night after the battle.
- Strangler - an Orc, active in Ladros on the night after the battle.
- Jarrol - a farmer’s son in Ladros, victim of Gorgol.
- Mulan - brother of Jarrol.
- Yallie - sister of Jarrol.
- Beren - infant brother of Jarrol.
- *Gorgol ‘the Butcher’ - a particularly cruel Orc.
- Dunaic - a farmer from the north slopes of Ladros. Represents the maimed at Aeluin.
- Jem - an old farmer in eastern Ladros.
- Marag - Radhruin’s wife.
- Trixie - Radhruin’s daughter.
- Wamlo - son of Parth.
- Baranor - son of Baragund and Rhasûl.
- Barachast - son of Baragund and Rhasûl.
- Borgil - son of Belegund and Faelind.
- *Rían - daughter of Belegund and Faelind. Marries Huor.
- Naraness - a crofter woman in Dorthonion.
- Ranulf - glazier at the village near Sightfoot.
- Arse-cutter - an Orc, a cohort leader. The killer of Barahir.
- Sick Chop - an Orc, a cohort leader.
- Threeshits - an Orc under Sick Chop’s command.
- Stinking - an Orc under Sick Chop’s command.
- Sniffer - an Orc under Sick Chop’s command.
- Volume 5
- Etty - a Hairfoot girl, daughter of Melena and Bhalacho.
- Bhalacho - a man of the Hairfeet, a baker. Married to Melena.
- Granny White-top - old woman of the Hairfeet.
- Worrafoskin - War-ward for the Hairfeet.
- Melena - a woman of the Hairfeet. Married to Bhalacho.
- Bosko - a Hairfoot.
- Hampus - a particularly foolish Hairfoot.
- Oglo - a Hairfoot.
- Aramil - an Elf from Nargothrond; later one of the ten loyal companions of Finrod.
- Pergas - an Elf from Nargothrond; later one of the ten loyal companions of Finrod.
- Wriggleroot - an Ent of Dorthonion.
- Longlimb - an Ent of Dorthonion.
- Shit-worm - an Orc runner at Tol-in-Gaurhoth.
- Blackrot - an Orc gate guard at Tol-in-Gaurhoth.
- Sick - an Orc gate guard at Tol-in-Gaurhoth.
- Glithiringirililopsch - a Mermaid.
- *Edrahil - a Noldo of Finrod’s following. One of the ten loyal companions of Finrod.
- Perina - a Hairfoot woman.
- *Thuringwethil - a horrific batlike servant of Mairon’s.
- *Draugluin - the greatest and most fearsome of Mairon’s brood of wolves.
- Mungo - a Hairfoot man.
- Gopold - a Hairfoot man.
- Danusc - a Hairfoot man, a goat-herd.
- Volume 6
- Blodwis - a woman of the Haladin.
- Merseth - a woman of the Haladin; daughter of Blodwis.
- Markas - a man of the Haladin; son of Blodwis.
- Parl - a boy at the Bëoring settlement in Brethil.
- Hodar - a man at the Bëoring settlement in Brethil. One of Girazôn’s goons.
- Brugil - son of Parth and Girazôn.
- *Hundar - a man of the Haladin, younger son of Halmir.
- *Hunleth - a woman of the Haladin, daughter of Hundar. A scholar.
- *Hundad - a man of the Haladin, son of Hundar.
- *Brandir - a man of the Haladin, son of Bregil and Arachon. He was wounded in the Goblin Wars.
- Four Sticks - a Druug man of the Reed people.
- Leaps the Stream - a Druug man of the Reed people. Son of Four Sticks.
- Arthol ‘White Cow’ - a man of the Haladin. Brother to Arthad; married to Caril.
- Caril - a woman of the Haladin, married to Arthol.
- Vindar - a man of the Haladin, widowed, with three children.
- Drambar - a Noldo in Nargothrond.
- Idhren - a Nolda, married to Curufin.
- *Daeron - a Sinda; minstrel and loremaster at Thingol’s court.
- Hobas - a Sinda, captain of Beren’s escort out of Doriath.
- Gwael - a Sinda, master boatman at the crossings of Sirion.
- *Celebrimbor ‘Silver-fist’ - a Noldo, son of Curufin and Idhren.
- *Orodreth - a Noldo, son of Finarfin and Eärwen. Married Gilrodel.
- Gilrodel - a Nolda. Married Orodreth.
- *Finduilas - daughter of Orodreth and Gilrodel. Betrothed to Gwindor.
- *Gwindor - a Noldo, betrothed to Finduilas.
- *Celegorm - a Noldo, 3rd son of Fëanor.
- *Curufin - a Noldo, 5th son of Fëanor. Married to Idhren.
- Ormaid - a Noldo of Nargothrond, one of the ten loyal companions of Finrod.
- Macomar - a Noldo of Nargothrond, one of the ten loyal companions of Finrod.
- Bergil - a Noldo of Nargothrond, one of the ten loyal companions of Finrod.
- Silbaran - a Noldo of Nargothrond, one of the ten loyal companions of Finrod.
- Tuldor - a Noldo of Nargothrond, one of the ten loyal companions of Finrod.
- Findamos - a Noldo of Nargothrond, one of the ten loyal companions of Finrod.
- Thorgun - a Noldo of the following of Celegorm.
- Snaggler - an Orc, a gate-guard at the Island of Werewolves.
- Shitmounter - an Orc, a gate-guard at the Island of Werewolves.
- Marbles - an Orc, a gate-guard at the Island of Werewolves.
- *Carcharoth - the great wolf of Morgoth.
- *Mablung ‘Heavy-hand’ - a Sinda, a great hunter and captain of Thingol’s.
- *Beleg ‘Strongbow’ - chief of Thingol’s march-wardens.
- Tuilind - a Green-elf of Ossiriand.
- Trogo - a man of the Hairfeet.
- *Dior - son of Beren and Lúthien.
- *Nimloth - a maiden of the Sindar; married to Dior.
- *Eluréd - son of Dior and Nimloth.
- *Elurín - son of Dior and Nimloth.
- *Elwing - daughter of Dior and Nimloth.
- Gwyldor - a Green-elf of Ossiriand.
- Dyriel - an Elf-woman, chieftain of the Green-elves in Ossiriand.
- Temorn - a Green-elf of Ossiriand; a scout.