
Intellectual property rights for items on these pages fall under two headings: things I own and things other people own.

Things I own.

This work is copyrighted from 2018 to John McKellar. All rights reserved.

What do I mean by ‘this work’? It comprises all the material appearing on this tree of linked web pages which does not accrue intellectual property rights in respect of some person other than myself.

In posting these items on publicly accessible web pages I am implicitly authorizing fair use of them. What I specifically do not authorize or countenance is commercial use. In lay terms, if you want to download and print any of the materials on these pages for your own enjoyment, that’s great. That’s what I put them here for. But if you make use of them to earn a profit for yourself, that is outside the rights I grant, and therefore illegal. (You will in that case probably also find yourself targeted by the far greater legal firepower of the Tolkien Estate.)

I claim complete rights in the names ‘Nixenárë’ (with or without the Umlauts) and ‘Rattlecone’. You may not use either in any public context without my permission.

Things other people own (plus some acknowledgments).